Florida Limited Liability Company – $210

Need to open a Florida LLC? We have setup thousands of Florida Limited Liability Companies. Our price includes all State Filing fees and rush service. Orders are complete within two business days. (Depending on State turnaround times.) Get your company started for less! Only $210 – Never any additional fees!

Our Florida Limited Liability Package includes everything listed below:


Every order includes the following for $210.00:

State Filing Fees -All Florida State filing fees are included in cost of $210.00. Most services add in fees at the time of check out. Those extra fees are rush service and filing fees imposed by the State of Florida. We have packaged all the fees into one low price of $210.00.

Articles of LLC & State of Florida Certificate of Status – Articles of LLC show the business name, address & information on officers as listed with the State of Florida. The certificate of status states the business name & start date with the State seal signed by the Secretary of State.

Federal Tax ID Number (FEIN or EIN) – We will prepare the documents and obtain a federal ID for your business.

Rush Service -There is no faster way to get Incorporated. Our average completion time is one business day from when your order is placed. We never charge extra fees to file your order at the highest priority!

Proof of Ownership – A notarized letter used to prove percentage of ownership of the Limited Liability Company.

Mail/ Fax /E-Mail Service – We priority mail, fax &/or E-Mail your order once complete.

Attention: Below is some basic information gathered from various professional sources. If you are not sure which type of business structure fits your needs, please seek the assistance of a Tax Professional.

What is a Florida LLC? (Limited Liability Company)

A Limited Liability Company (“Florida LLC”) is a separate legal entity that offers an alternative to partnerships and corporations by combining the corporate advantages of limited liability with the partnership advantage of pass-through taxation. A Florida LLC is created and comes into existence when articles of organization are filed with the proscribed fees, and accepted by the proper Florida State Division of Corporations.Click here to order now!

What is the Structure of an Florida LLC?

A Florida LLC is owned by its members. The members of a Florida LLC are like partners in a partnership or shareholders of a corporation. A member will more closely resemble a shareholder if the Florida LLC utilizes a manager or managers, because under that situation the members will not participate in the management of the Florida LLC. However, if the LLC does not utilize managers, then the members will more closely resemble partners because they will have decision making powers in the LLC.The member’s ownership in the LLC is represented by their respective “membership interest”, in the same manner as a partner has an “interest” in a partnership or a shareholder has stock in corporation.

What are the Advantages of an Florida LLC?

Pass-Through Taxation Florida LLC’s allow for pass-through taxation, allowing earnings of an LLC to be taxed only once. The earnings from an Florida LLC are treated in a similar manner as earnings from a partnership, sole proprietorship and most S corporations.

Why Limited Liability?

The member’s liability is generally limited to the amount of money which the member invested in the LLC. As a result, the members of an Florida LLC receive the same limited liability protection as do shareholders of a corporation. Flexible Organizational Structure LLC’s are generally free to establish any organizational structure agreed upon by its members. Thus, profit interests may be separated from voting interests.

What are the Disadvantages of a Florida LLC?

The possibility of losing pass-through taxation if the Florida LLC is not properly structured. More paperwork and documentation is needed than in an ordinary partnership.

Do I need an Attorney to form a Florida LLC?

No, an attorney is not a legal requirement of forming a Florida LLC. However, certain knowledge is necessary in order to properly file the required documentation in the designated state. You can use our guaranteed services to form your Florida LLC, and save a substantial amount of money you would otherwise pay an attorney. However, if you need legal or financial advice as to the type of entity which would best suit your business needs, consult your attorney or financial advisor.

How many people are needed to form an Florida LLC?

An LLC must have at least one member in Florida.

How is an Florida LLC Managed?

A Florida LLC is managed by its members or by selected managers.
If the LLC is managed by its members, it operates much like a partnership. Each member shares equally in the decision making process of the LLC.Alternatively, the members may choose to appoint a manager or managers to act in a capacity similar to a corporation’s board of directors. The managers are in charge of the business affairs of the LLC. If managers are not designated in the articles of organization, the members will be deemed to direct the business affairs of the LLC.

What is a Registered Agent and is one needed?

In all states, an individual or service company must be responsible for receiving important legal and tax documents. This service is provided by an “agent” of the Florida LLC who is “registered” with the state of incorporation. Thus, the term “Registered Agent.” The registered agent must have a valid street address within the state of formation, and be available during normal business hours to receive documents.The services performed by a registered agent may include:
Receiving and forwarding legal documents.
Receiving and forwarding tax and report forms.
Accepting and forwarding service of process.

What is a Federal Employer Identification Number?

Once the LLC has been formed and is ready to do business, it is the time to apply for a federal employer identification number (EIN). Generally, any LLC doing business within the U.S. is required to have an EIN. In fact, the EIN is necessary when filing tax returns and for establishing bank accounts. We include the EIN in our package price at no additional fee.

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